From Kim Flottum’s review of this book in Bee Culture:
•A major textbook of apiculture.
•It contains, in my opinion, at least 90 years of updated information.
•Each chapter has a Concepts box, which summarizes what the chapter is going to tell you.
•At the end of each of 23 chapters there is a section of discussion questions, exercises and the references cited in that particular chapter. As a teaching tool, these sections will be invaluable.
•Not a single page does not have an explanatory photo or three, along with a chart of diagram to further explain the information included.
•There is a glossary to die for, all 30 pages of it, followed by a very through index.
•This is hefty price for a book. However, you are really getting at least two very informative books here. And I ask carefully, what did that package of bees cost you this spring? Can you afford to lose it this next winter? Compare and contrast – saving even one package pays for this book. What is the value of your whole apiary? This book should stay on the dashboard of every beekeeper’s truck. It’s that good, and that necessary.
Ramesh Sagili, Professor-Apiculture
Oregon State University writes:
Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping text book is a unique and outstanding resource for students, as it seamlessly integrates both biology and beekeeping aspects. I have used this book for my class for more than ten years.