Beekeeping 101

Beekeeping 101

When getting started with raising bees, the best place to start is with Beekeeping 101. We are experts on honey bees and helping beekeepers understand what it takes to start keeping bees. This guide for those interested in beekeeping was written by our EAS Master Beekeeper, Adam Hickman, so you can be confident the information on honeybees is correct.

We have written a five-part beginners guide that is a great overview of the basic guidelines needed to understand bee biology, bee diseases, how to harvest honey, queens, beekeeping equipment, and more. Our guide on how to start beekeeping includes the basics, not just how to keep honey bees, but actually to find out if beekeeping is right for you. 

Our native flowers love bees, but that doesn’t mean that everyone loves bees. It’s best to learn if beekeeping is right for you before jumping in.

When getting started with raising bees, the best place to start is with Beekeeping 101. We are experts on honey bees and helping beekeepers understand what it takes to start keeping bees. This guide for those interested in beekeeping was written by our EAS Master Beekeeper, Adam Hickman, so you can be confident the information on honeybees is correct.

We have written a five-part beginners guide that is a great overview of the basic guidelines needed to understand bee biology, bee diseases, how to harvest honey, queens, beekeeping equipment, and more. Our guide on how to start beekeeping includes the basics, not just how to keep honey bees, but actually to find out if beekeeping is right for you. 

Our native flowers love bees, but that doesn’t mean that everyone loves bees. It’s best to learn if beekeeping is right for you before jumping in.

Master Guide – Beekeeping For Beginners
Master Guide – Beekeeping For Beginners
Master Guide – Is Beekeeping Right For Me?
Master Guide – Is Beekeeping Right For Me?
Master Guide – What Beekeeping Equipment Do I Need?
Master Guide – What Beekeeping Equipment Do I Need?
Master Guide – Where Do I Get Bees?
Master Guide – Where Do I Get Bees?
Master Guide – How To Learn Beekeeping?
Master Guide – How To Learn Beekeeping?

Later on in the guide, we dive more into bee colonies, worker bees, feeding bees sugar water, and what to do when your bees arrive. There is so much here that it will take a long time to read through it, but you can go through it at your own pace.

Taking care of your own bees and managing hives as a new beekeeper in your very own backyard is a lot of fun. Beekeeping has become very popular and more new beekeepers start their hive every year. And who could blame them because who doesn’t want to harvest their very own honey and help the environment at the same time?

We’ve helped thousands of beginning beekeepers through our free beekeeping 101 series, so if you are thinking about getting started, you are in the right place. If you want to know who “we” are, click here.

They answer the most common questions we are asked and will give you a good place to “start” and will give you a few things to think about. We promise you will be more informed and be in a better place after having spent a little time reading.

Later on in the guide, we dive more into bee colonies, worker bees, feeding bees sugar water, and what to do when your bees arrive. There is so much here that it will take a long time to read through it, but you can go through it at your own pace.

Taking care of your own bees and managing hives as a new beekeeper in your very own backyard is a lot of fun. Beekeeping has become very popular and more new beekeepers start their hive every year. And who could blame them because who doesn’t want to harvest their very own honey and help the environment at the same time?

We’ve helped thousands of beginning beekeepers through our free beekeeping 101 series, so if you are thinking about getting started, you are in the right place. If you want to know who “we” are, click here.

They answer the most common questions we are asked and will give you a good place to “start” and will give you a few things to think about. We promise you will be more informed and be in a better place after having spent a little time reading.

We take the most common questions we get from beekeepers and turn them into blog posts. So once you have finished these, go check our main beekeeping blog page to learn more. Before we ever sold any equipment, we were educators teaching classes. Please join one of our beekeeping classes in Birmingham, where we talk about bee products, mites, bee stings, swarms, and many other topics. These are great in-person classes designed to give you a chance to learn with an actual bee hive.

If you are not in Birmingham, please consider an online course for learning beekeeping. Opening a fully functioning hive with a hive tool in your hand is the best way to learn, but that always isn’t possible. If you can’t make it in person, look at our online course for more information.

We take the most common questions we get from beekeepers and turn them into blog posts. So once you have finished these, go check our main beekeeping blog page to learn more. Before we ever sold any equipment, we were educators teaching classes. Please join one of our beekeeping classes in Birmingham, where we talk about bee products, mites, bee stings, swarms, and many other topics. These are great in-person classes designed to give you a chance to learn with an actual bee hive.

If you are not in Birmingham, please consider an online course for learning beekeeping. Opening a fully functioning hive with a hive tool in your hand is the best way to learn, but that always isn’t possible. If you can’t make it in person, look at our online course for more information.

More Free Info About Beekeeping!

More Free Info About Beekeeping!

We really enjoy helping new beekeepers out so we have a couple of ways to do that. If you are interested in learning more about this fun adventure, be sure to join our hive in one of these ways.

 1. General Newsletter – Emails from us that help us stay connected about what’s new. Click here to join in.

2. Bees & Beekeepers – Monthly email with tips and tricks that apply to that month. It’s info on what bees are doing and what beekeepers should be doing that month (it’s very popular). Click here.

3. Follow us on Facebook – We post more to our Facebook page than we do our Instagram page. So our Facebook is mostly happenings around the beekeeping world, not necessarily just our content. Click here.

4. Follow us on Instagram – We run a fun, educational page. It’s not very promotional and lot’s of non-beekeepers follow us.  Click here.

We really enjoy helping new beekeepers out so we have a couple of ways to do that. If you are interested in learning more about this fun adventure, be sure to join our hive in one of these ways.

 1. General Newsletter – Emails from us that help us stay connected about what’s new. Click here to join in.

2. Bees & Beekeepers – Monthly email with tips and tricks that apply to that month. It’s info on what bees are doing and what beekeepers should be doing that month (it’s very popular). Click here.

3. Follow us on Facebook – We post more to our Facebook page than we do our Instagram page. So our Facebook is mostly happenings around the beekeeping world, not necessarily just our content. Click here.

4. Follow us on Instagram – We run a fun, educational page. It’s not very promotional and lot’s of non-beekeepers follow us.  Click here.

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