Inverted Sugar Feeder - Best and Cheapest way of feeding bees
Beekeeping catalogs overflow with options when it comes to feeding bees. Each option comes with negatives and positives. Beekeepers swoon over the opportunity to find the best option for feeding their bees. Until of course it starts getting complicated when hearing the opinions of other beekeepers.
We are firm believers in having lots of options. This will lead to making a better choice. However, too many options can have a negative impact on decision making. As beekeepers, that is where we are when it comes to how we feed our bees.
There are too many options when it comes to feeding bees, but we a great one.
We needed a way to feed bees that were very affordable and didn’t require excess storage when not used. Plus, it should be non-invasive for the bees and replicable. It should also use nothing proprietary and should be very easy to make.
We were looking for the holy grail of feeders and we found it.

Inverted Sugar Feeder - Best and Cheapest way of feeding bees
Beekeeping catalogs overflow with options when it comes to feeding bees. Each option comes with negatives and positives. Beekeepers swoon over the opportunity to find the best option for feeding their bees. Until of course it starts getting complicated when hearing the opinions of other beekeepers.
We are firm believers in having lots of options. This will lead to making a better choice. However, too many options can have a negative impact on decision making. As beekeepers, that is where we are when it comes to how we feed our bees.
There are too many options when it comes to feeding bees, but we a great one.
We needed a way to feed bees that were very affordable and didn’t require excess storage when not used. Plus, it should be non-invasive for the bees and replicable. It should also use nothing proprietary and should be very easy to make.
We were looking for the holy grail of feeders and we found it.
The feeder is a version of a Boardman feeder, using the same method of inverting a sealed container with holes poked in the lid.
A local beekeeper turned us towards placing the feeder on top of the telescoping cover, an idea we hadn’t considered. Feeding this way required drilling a hole through the cover, large enough for the neck of a standard mason jar to fit in.
The right-sized hole allows the neck of the bottle to slide down, sealing the hole. This allows bees access to the feeder and gives the beekeeper easy access. It also allows the beekeeper to see how full the container is without opening the hive. These are all major positives in our book.
A negative is the large capacity jars with a small neck are hard to come by. They actually aren’t made anymore, so they have to be purchased used from garage or estate sales.
Happy Beekeeping.
The feeder is a version of a Boardman feeder, using the same method of inverting a sealed container with holes poked in the lid.
A local beekeeper turned us towards placing the feeder on top of the telescoping cover, an idea we hadn’t considered. Feeding this way required drilling a hole through the cover, large enough for the neck of a standard mason jar to fit in.
The right-sized hole allows the neck of the bottle to slide down, sealing the hole. This allows bees access to the feeder and gives the beekeeper easy access. It also allows the beekeeper to see how full the container is without opening the hive. These are all major positives in our book.
A negative is the large capacity jars with a small neck are hard to come by. They actually aren’t made anymore, so they have to be purchased used from garage or estate sales.
Happy Beekeeping.

Interested In Making Your Own
If you’d like to make your own external top feeder like this, you will need a hole saw. Cutting a hole the size of the lid allows the jar to rest down into the lid and is unlikely to fall over. A 2 7/8-inch hole saw is the size that works well. Make sure you keep the puck that is cut out because it can be used as a part of the seal when not feeding.

Interested In Making Your Own
If you’d like to make your own external top feeder like this, you will need a hole saw. Cutting a hole the size of the lid allows the jar to rest down into the lid and is unlikely to fall over. A 2 7/8-inch hole saw is the size that works well. Make sure you keep the puck that is cut out because it can be used as a part of the seal when not feeding.
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As an Amazon Associate, Foxhound Bee Company may earn from qualifying purchases