Nucleus Hives and Packages, The Major and Minor Differences plus What’s Next?

Nucleus Hives and Packages, The Major and Minor Differences plus What’s Next?

Nucleus Hives and Packages, The Major and Minor Differences plus What’s Next?

We spent some time preparing for a talk on what is the difference between a nucleus hive and a package of bees. But when we teach, we make a point to talk about the why behind our advice and not just what to do. There are some major differences between a nucleus hive and a package of bees when starting a hive.

But there are also some minor differences that can make a significant difference in the success of the beekeeper and the colony. Eventually, both types of colonies will produce honey but they may not both make honey during their first year. 

Watch the presentation we did as a part of the ACES beekeeping conference in the spring of 2021. While presented to Alabama beekeepers, the ideas can be applied to beekeepers in any part of the United States.

For more information, check out our blog on the pros and cons of a package vs a nucleus hive.  Packages or Nucleus Hives: Which is Better?

Interested in seeing more of our videos, visit our youtube page.

We spent some time preparing for a talk on what is the difference between a nucleus hive and a package of bees. But when we teach, we make a point to talk about the why behind our advice and not just what to do. There are some major differences between a nucleus hive and a package of bees when starting a hive.

But there are also some minor differences that can make a significant difference in the success of the beekeeper and the colony. Eventually, both types of colonies will produce honey but they may not both make honey during their first year. 

Watch the presentation we did as a part of the ACES beekeeping conference in the spring of 2021. While presented to Alabama beekeepers, the ideas can be applied to beekeepers in any part of the United States.

For more information, check out our blog on the pros and cons of a package vs a nucleus hive.  Packages or Nucleus Hives: Which is Better?

Interested in seeing more of our videos, visit our youtube page.

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