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7 Inch Hive Tool

$16.00 CAD

Beekeeping Hive tools are the essential tool that all beekeepers use. They are required for separating boxes and lifting frames out of the box. While new equipment can be easily moved and adjusted, equipment that bees live in can be difficult to separate and work with over time. Hive tools are used to pry apart boxes and lift frames from the box.


This 7-inch hive tool is great for small jobs and small hands. Easier to wield than the 10 1/2-inch Lifter Pro Hive Tool, this stainless steel tool is great to keep around. It's just the right size.


Hive tools have multiple ends designed to work in different ways. Narrow ends are used to pry boxes and frames apart, and bent ends can scrape comb and propolis from equipment.


See our other Beekeeping Hive Tools.

See our entire collection of Beekeeping Supplies

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