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10-Frame Cypress Deep 9 5/8-Inch Brood Box

$44.00 CAD

This is a cypress deep brood box to be used with 10- Frame Beekeeping Kit and is most commonly used for space for the queen to lay eggs.

It is also necessary to have frames and foundations. But an empty box can be used for surrounding certain types of feeders like a baggie, Boardman, and some top feeders.

You can opt to purchase your cypress brood box unassembled, assembled, or assembled and painted. When choosing the assembled option, we will assemble your box with staples and wood glue so you can be assured they will never fall apart. If choosing assembled and painted, we will assemble your equipment, coat it with a white primer, and finish with a layer of premium-quality, UV-resistant white paint on the outside of the equipment.

We have set ourselves apart by supplying high-quality equipment to beekeepers, and our kits are where we started doing this. The wood we use is a durable, 7/8-inch thick, smooth cypress board that is naturally rot-resistant and will last decades even without paint.

If you are opting to have, us ship the order and would like frames and foundation, order the complete box with frames and foundation instead of the pieces separately. This helps reduce shipping costs for you.

If you are looking for boxes with frames and foundation, go to our cypress kit page, where you can select this box with the frames and foundation added. Available in unassembled, assembled, or assembled and painted.

See our other 10- Frame Hive Parts available at our store.

Learn more about Honey Supers And Brood Boxes on our blog.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Charles W.
Cypress boxes

Absolutely love their products,wouldn’t have anything else

Charles W.
Cyrpress boxes

I absolutely love their products and buy as needed

Krys G.
Deep Box

Perfect fit to my frames! Great craftsmanship, look and feel. No need to paint-sealed, good to go!

Dwaine S.
Easy assembly

Everything went together well.

Chris R.
Cypress hive bodies

The fit was not great on the box joints. I have bought both deeps and mediums and the fit is always a little different some too tight and these last one had gaps but not unusable. I like the cypress wood and the little extra thickness. Overall happy with them.

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