Educational Beekeeping Cards
Educational Cards for Beekeeping
These oversized, educational cards are perfect for sharing about bees and beekeeping with others. Designed for small groups of adults, kids, or anyone in between, the education cards with notes on the back make it easy to share, even if you are not an expert on bees or beekeeping.
Featuring a basic kit with a wide variety of topics and photos great for most classes. Plus, an expansion set that includes more specific topics to expand on in the class as needed. If you teach beekeeping classes to the public, you'll love how handy these cards are.
Each card features high-resolution images of bees, beekeepers, and the extremely cool things bees do on the front and detailed information on the back, including talking points, photo explanations, fun facts, and thought-provoking questions.
These large, durable cards are perfect for classroom teaching, workshops, or field use, making beekeeping concepts easy to understand and remember. These cards are suitable for children and kids, making learning engaging and fun. They cater to learners of all ages, including toddlers and older students.
Key Features and Benefits
- Comprehensive Learning Tool: Each card includes high-quality visuals on the front with talking points, photo descriptions, fun facts, and discussion questions on the back, making it ideal for all levels of beekeeping.
- Durable and High-Quality: These large, 12x18-inch cards are printed on sturdy, long-lasting card stock, ensuring they withstand regular use in classrooms and outdoor environments.
Basic Pack: The 15 cards cover a variety of topics, including foraging, bee stingers, find the queen, communication, swarming, and worker bee jobs.
- Expansion Pack: The expansion pack also has 15 cards and includes more complex topics about bees including festooning, vision, solitary bees and queen mating.
- Visual and Informative: Full-color images on the front help users connect with beekeeping concepts visually. At the same time, the text on the back offers detailed insights and fun facts to reinforce learning.
- Customizable Options: Available in laminated and non-laminated versions, the laminated option offers extra protection, making them resistant to wear and tear in outdoor conditions.
- Expansion Set: Opt for the expansion set that includes more detailed information that caters to learners who are willing to hear a little more about how bees work including festooning, solitary bees, propolis, laying workers, extra find the queen cards, and how bees see.
Usage Instructions
Start by reviewing the vibrant image on the front of the card to visually engage with the topic. Flip the card over to explore the talking points for an in-depth concept explanation. The “What’s in the Photo” section helps identify key elements, while the “Fun Facts” section adds interesting details.
Use the “Topics to Discuss” to encourage interactive learning, whether in a classroom setting or for self-study. Review the cards regularly for best results, especially when working in the field or preparing for beekeeping activities.
Detailed Description
Our Educational Beekeeping Cards offer a dual-sided, interactive approach to learning about bees and beekeeping. The large 12x18-inch format allows for clear, detailed visuals on the front of each card, showing key beekeeping tools, practices, and bee behavior.
The back of each card is packed with educational content, including talking points, fun facts about bees, and questions designed to spark discussion and critical thinking. Constructed with durable material, these cards are ideal for heavy use in classroom and outdoor environments. The laminated version provides added protection from weather and wear, making it the perfect option for fieldwork or frequent handling.
The cards can also be used to teach vocabulary words related to beekeeping. Additionally, they are versatile in teaching math and shapes concepts related to beekeeping.
For engaging younger audiences, honey sticks are an excellent addition to the learning experience. Offering kids a sample of raw honey with these portable sticks during lessons helps them connect with the importance of bees in a hands-on, delicious way, making the learning experience even more interactive and memorable.
Additional Info:
Dimensions: 12 x 18 inches
Care Instructions: Wipe laminated cards clean with a damp cloth. Store in a cool, dry place.
Check out our video on Beekeeping Made Simple, featuring Educational Beekeeping Cards!
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