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Mated Honey Bee Queens

$39.99 USD

Mated Queen Bees

Updated 09/27/24 - Limited Availability

Alabama Mated Queens For Pickup

VSH Italian California Queens are unavailable right now

We will have mated queen bees for sale for pickup from our store in Alabama.

NOTE: All queens should be picked up within 7 days of ordering or their pickup date if preordering. They cannot be guaranteed after 7 days. Remember that these are live animals. 

A mated queen can make splitting a hive much easier during the spring or the fall. Installing a mated queen into a queenless hive can save your colony or increase your apiary size. Requeening in the fall is a huge benefit to your colonies when spring comes.

Alabama Queens - These queens are mated in Alabama. The Italian bees are docile and a favorite choice of both commercial and beginner beekeepers. Italians have a long brood cycle that is great for areas with plentiful forage and shorter winters. Italian queens brood up quickly in the spring, making them popular for beekeepers who do almond pollination. They tend to be low to moderate propolis producers. Italian bees are excellent honey producers. 

VSH Italian Pol-Line From Florida - Brought in from central Florida, this Italian line of queens is bred with the popular Pol-Line and their genetic traits. These queens are daughters of breeding queens from South Carolina and the USDA Queen Breeding Program. Read more about Pol-Line queens here. 

VSH Italian Queens from California - These queens are brought in from California through a favorite queen breeder of ours who has been in the queen business since the early 70's. They have a great reputation for high-quality queens. These mated queens arrive in a JZBZ cage with attendants who have been bred for their ability to use the bee's natural ability to detect and remove varroa mites. VSH stands for Varroa Sensitive Hygiene.  

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Sam E.
queens/greenwood bee

purchased 2 queens, both took well to their new homes.

Jeremy B.
New Queen

Our hive swarmed and left part of the workers. We didn’t have any brood and no queen could be found. We bought a queen and upon pickup had great information and suggestions provided by the staff. The hive accepted the queen and now we have brood.

Frank M.
California Mated Queens and Advice

As a new bee keeper I not only appreciate the quality products (queens this trip) but the friendly people and willingness to discuss and give advice with whatever new problem I am dealing with. My go to for all things apiary related.

Scott T.
Alabama Queen review

Purchased an Alabama queen from foxhound bee co. On July 5 she was excepted by the colony and doing great. Their queens are healthy and strong very satisfied. I would recommend foxhound bee company if you are in need of a queen or any other bee supplies. Thank you

Jimmy P.
Queen Bee

I recently bought a queen bee, but besides that I have also bought several different things form Fox Hound Bee company, This has turned in to another highly satisficed purchase, the new queen is doing great in her new hive. I have been very pleased with everything I have bought. Thank you Jimmy

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