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Metal Hive Handle

$3.49 USD

This Metal Hive Handle is made of solid steel and has a long life because it is rustproof. They are great for lifting heavy boxes and can be used to move and transport empty supers and full ones.

These are great if you make your own boxes or just want to repair a box that needs a handle. Of course, these handles are great for all kinds of projects, but we like to use them on bee boxes. The handles swivel down when not used to make it easy to store. And the handles are wide enough to get a gloved hand into it so you can lift it.

Secure to the box with the pre-drilled countersunk holes so the handle doesn't pull out and you drop the box full of honey and mad bees on your toes. Don't be that person.

Sold as a single, so if you need a pair of them, order two.


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Based on 1 review
Evelyn G.


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