🐝 Start Beekeeping with Confidence! 🐝 Our Beginner Beekeeper Starter Sets have everything you need to get started the right way. Shop Now

Educational Beekeeping Cards

The educational cards are perfect for sharing about bees and beekeeping with others. Designed for small groups of adults, kids, or anyone.

Swarm of Bees

Just the idea of a swarm of bees makes you think of horror movies or maybe something that gives you the chills just thinking about it

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Educational Beekeeping Cards

The educational cards are perfect for sharing about bees and beekeeping with others. Designed for small groups of adults, kids, or anyone.

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Beekeeping Kits


Our 10 and 8 frame beekeeping kits include what one colony needs to live in for one year. Our policy is to not over-sell to our customers and teach rather than tell. During your colony's first year, your bees may need more than our kit, but they certainly won't need less.

See Our Beekeeping Kits

Our Latest Blogs

We have a very extensive list of blogs that range from queens to organic honey. Here are just the latest ones we have published. Education is at our heart and blogging is how we did it first.

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